Amulet with “Work of Truth”



سچے کے کام کا امام ذامن

Imam zamin is piece of cloth for keepsake with a coin wrapped for protection against any negativity. It is a cultural tradition where coins are wrapped in a fabric and tied around the right upperarm for good luck and safety during weddings, travel, sickness and new ventures.


It is seen commonly during Muslim weddings. Imam zamins are heavily embellished and made out of the fabric of the wedding outfit to coordinate with the design aesthetic of the bridal outfit. Back in the day, the imam zamins  were made in pure silk fabric and the work on it was with real gold and silver threads.

The traditional imam zamins are a part of our lives to date. To ward off evil eye, many start their journey or important task with an Imam zamin. Once after the destination is reached safely, the coin in the imam zamin is given away as charity. It is also seen tied on the arm of a sick person for successful recovery.


The original work on these imam zamins is “sachey ka kaam” - which was translated by someone as “ work of truth”😂. Jokes apart, the embellishment is done in real silver and gold threads, which is hard to find in this day and age. What you see here are imam zamins that have been passed through generations and hold significance as heirlooms more than protection.

These are heirloom imam zamin’s that hold an intrinsic significance in the life of my client❤️.


More stories about this awesome commission coming soon.












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