Delighted | Humbled | Honoured


Creativity is a language! And I experienced what I preach. My passion for textiles has led me to be the Artist Facilitator at the Textile Museum of Canada. It gets better… I landed upon the golden opportunity to work with the Afghan Welfare Organization @afghanwomensorg AWO Mississauga. The brief of the workshops was to provide healing to the participants through Fibre Art. 

Everyone holds a painful story. I wanted to find a way to connect with happy memories of their home and link it to the present. I led a group of 25 women speaking 4 different languages recreate stories of their childhood. Initially everyone was hesitant. I began with talking about my childhood love for mangoes, one story led to another. We all laughed and shared. Drew a little, embroidered some more and just like that we all became friends. The longing to be heard and the spark in their eyes to create their best was my biggest catharsis ❤️ Working with textiles has been most healing for me and I could share this with my new friends.


I want to thank the @textilemuseumofcanada for having the biggest heart to run Community Maker Programs. I’m overwhelmed by the love I’ve received at the @afghanwomensorg and look forward to working with them very soon.


I know this isn’t big, but being able to make someone happy is my biggest win! My new friends make me the proudest teacher❤️😍 I can’t believe I’m living to see happiness I never knew I could have.


The best part of it was, at the end of the session someone came up to me, apologized beforehand to ask me a very personal question..I held my breath (thinking I had offended her) and said please go ahead.

Attendee: How long are you teacher?? 

Me (confused): What?

Attendee (now on her tippy toes with her hand over her head): Teacherrrr.. how long are you? I want to be as long as you.

I burst into laughter!!! I apologized for my reaction and gave her all the answers. We hugged and laughed. Said our good byes with a promise to meet again soon.


To this and so much more that holds me through my tests. Gratitude Changes Everything!


I owe everything to my parents for raising me with a heart built on faith.

Love, Amna Nawab










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