Strength | Hope | Grief | Letting go

Many ask me how working with fabric helps? For me it’s a great way to process my thoughts. I read a beautiful post about energy blocked inside and it keeps us looping in the same patterns unless it’s consciously thrown out.


This piece is about personal energy resonating with similar souls as well as how dealing with challenges. I wrote these words to Amira when I finished the piece.


Copied from my own texts-

I can’t tell you how much this piece has held me… I’m not in a great place inside my heart and as I sat to make the squares covered in silk with kanthaa , I could imagine how your mom wrapped her pain in beautiful silk and mended herself-In a new way each time. (I’ve torn my own scarf titled “Cheeton ki party” as aunty was a true Cheeti and her favourite colours were shades of pink and purple).


I can feel a major shift inside me as I did this one because this piece was a lot more contained and focused. It’s not very big but it wasn’t easy to set.. matlab jaisey life mein so much is happening .. it’s turned and twisted yet it has to make sense but it takes time.


Showed it to my own mother and she asked me how I created this piece? I told her what you wrote for your mother that guided me. What’s intriguing is that it was almost as if I was creating for my future self and I could see her in me.. I’m tearing as I write this. How her perfume was Chloe and so is mine. I felt a huge change in me - through the pain I found patience without hope of change but hope in hope. I’ve kept the piece all wrapped up - jaisey cocoon mein hai and I know I still have to spend some more time with it.. it’s done but I have to learn something before I let it go.


Amira - thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


At times, acknowledging your loss through a visual representation helps in processing grief. I meet many people (mostly strangers) who open up to me about their pain (Allah is kind) and say that they want to get something made but they don’t know what.


I met Amira after so many years and as soon as we hugged and screamed after we met, she opened her bag and handed me money.. and I was like hain?? She commissioned this without any questions and I said Amira let me make it and she’s like NO!! Just take this and do it when you can.


I’ve hung onto this for a long time because I had to learn a powerful message myself.


Amira❤️ thank you for trusting me.



Amna Nawab



















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